Saturday, April 7, 2007

Lots and Lots of things!!!

I have not posted in a while. I have done alot of things since then. I probably can't remember everything so if i miss out bits I'm sorry.
I love gymnastics and I do it on Wednesdays in school. I was told to jump onto the horse(it is a box).I jumped up and landed fine but then I slipped and my toe bent back. I really hurt it so I could not do the rest of gym.I went home and my mum was not there so I rang her to tell her i was really hurt. When she came back she told me to put on arncia the cream so I tried but I just started crying cause it was so sore so we went to the hospital and just as we parked the car mum got a phone call from home. It was my dad saying Dillon(my brother)is walking back from the dart on his own. My mum said that was not good at 9:30 so she tried to ring the person that bought Dillon and they would not answer. We went to the dart station Dillon was getting of at. we waited and then mum to ring again and they answered and they said he and the other people walked him down to the dart station he was getting on at and then we saw Dillon of the dart so we called to him and we went to drop him home and we went back to hospital. It was empty. I got crutches and they said it was not to bad and i should be walking in 1 week. 1 week later I still could not walk so we went back to hospital. They said I have a crushed growth plate. I don't know what that is.

I went to see Mami Mai. It was very good. I went with my mum, granny, auntie sally, auntie Kathryn and my friend Annie. First we went to a place to have dinner. It was called Ely. I had a Burger and chips and for pudding I had ice-cream. We went on to see Mami Mai. We parked and then we walked across a bridge and we were there. It was very windy and I nearly got blown over. At the end there was lots of singing and dancing. My favorite song was Super Trouper.
I am going to start to post more if I have the time.I'm a very busy person. well BYE for now!!!!!!


Beccy said...

Hi Mollie, glad you posted again and glad you enjoyed Mama Mia.

ChrisB said...

Oh Mollie as you know I saw mama Mia in London when it first came out but I've got to wait until next year for it to come to Bristol but grandpa and I already have our tickets.

I'm glad your toe is better now it was a horrible thing to happen and so painful.
I'm so glad you are back posting again I will have something to look forward to. love grandma xx

Sam said...

Hi Mollie

Nice to hear your news.

I am sorry it took amost as long to write as it takes a toe to heal.

I am sure it's mum's fault - does she ever let you have any time on the computer?

Molly said...

Hello Mollie,
I enjoyed your post. You have done quite a few things. My first name is the same as yours except my name is spelled with a "y" at the end instead of "ie".

sallywrites said...

What a great post Mollie!

I'm very impressed!


frannie said...

you are a busy girl!

Hope your toe heals up nicely.

Karmyn R said...

OUCH - I'm sorry to hear you hurt your toe. I hope it is better now!!!

Dreaming What Ifs...

Sam said...

your toe and now your arm? I hope ot heals quickly and you feel better soon Mollie.

Laura-1998 of Fairyland said...

!!! * !!! * !!! *