Saturday, November 11, 2006


Hi my name is Mollie and I am ten years old.I had a different blog that won't let me post anymore. I had the idea of making a blog cause my mum has one and so dose my brother Dillon. My Auntie Sam has a very good blog. I will try to post every day. I might not have time on Monday cause I have alot on. If I don't post other days I am probably lazy. I will tell u the day before if I can't post the next day.


Beccy said...

Welcome back to blogging Mollie

ChrisB said...

Loveley to have you back I was having withdrawl symptons Love.EmBee

Sam said...

you dont have to tell us when you can and can't blog, mollie, just do it whenever you really want to and we'll still come and visit. It should always be fun, never a chore.

ChrisB said...

Mollie I am so pleased you are back blogging. It was a lovely surprise when I came in tonight to check my emails to find your new blog. I shall look everyday just in case you have managed to write something. looking forward to seeing you on Tues Love Grandma x