I can do lots of little pictures!!!!YAY!!!
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Monday, August 27, 2007
Junior Mints♥♥
♥♥My mum wrote a post on her blog about Junior Mints and lots of people sent her them!! She will not share them with anyone cause she is a big fat mean old lady!!!
♥♥♥Lol Mollie♥♥♥
♥♥♥Lol Mollie♥♥♥
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
I love tennis!! I played in an open and lost!! I played so badly!! I played in our club championship's and I won in the first round!!YAY!!! I have to play tomorrow against someone called Rachel. I think I can bet her and if I win I have to play a girl who is so good!! I am playing in the girls doubles with someone called Sarah and she is good!! We are seeded two!! I am playing in the mixed doubles with a boy called Aaron he is good as well!!! I hope I do well!!!!!
♥♥Lol Mollie♥♥
♥♥Lol Mollie♥♥
Friday, August 10, 2007
Yesterday I went to legoland with my mum, grandma,Ben, Dillon and Rory!! We left at about quarter past 8!! I was really tired and had a little sleep in the car!! Ben and I were in the back. Dillon and Rory were in the middle. Mum and Grandma were in the front, it took 2 hours to get there!!
The first thing I went on was a water slide. You sat on a little boat thing and you go down the water slide!!! I was with grandma!! Mum and Ben went before Grandma and I. Mum was shouting the whole way down she even shouted before they were moving!! Next was Dillon and Rory. Grandma and I were on the slide next to them and they did not shout but I did!! It was really fun!!
I can't remember everything in order but we all went on this Lego racers thing!! It has 4 people in each car. It was Ben, Mum, Grandma and I in one and Dillon with Rory in another with 2 other people!! Dillon and Rory were really scared but they went first!!! It was a big drop down at the start and they did not shout but it took a picture and they looked so scared. Next was us and I screamed so loud down the drop and Ben was so scared he nearly wet himself and said he did not like it!! Later that day Grandma and I went on it again and they had a problem with one of the cars getting stuck so we had to wait a long time!!
We went on a train that goes around in circles and is so fun. We also went on a baby dragon!! It is just a little roller-coastser for little people but it is fun!! Then we went on the BIG dragon and that was more fun!! Dillon and Rory were not scared this time!!
That is all the rides I can remember but I know there were more!!!
Lol Mollie
The first thing I went on was a water slide. You sat on a little boat thing and you go down the water slide!!! I was with grandma!! Mum and Ben went before Grandma and I. Mum was shouting the whole way down she even shouted before they were moving!! Next was Dillon and Rory. Grandma and I were on the slide next to them and they did not shout but I did!! It was really fun!!
I can't remember everything in order but we all went on this Lego racers thing!! It has 4 people in each car. It was Ben, Mum, Grandma and I in one and Dillon with Rory in another with 2 other people!! Dillon and Rory were really scared but they went first!!! It was a big drop down at the start and they did not shout but it took a picture and they looked so scared. Next was us and I screamed so loud down the drop and Ben was so scared he nearly wet himself and said he did not like it!! Later that day Grandma and I went on it again and they had a problem with one of the cars getting stuck so we had to wait a long time!!
We went on a train that goes around in circles and is so fun. We also went on a baby dragon!! It is just a little roller-coastser for little people but it is fun!! Then we went on the BIG dragon and that was more fun!! Dillon and Rory were not scared this time!!
That is all the rides I can remember but I know there were more!!!
Lol Mollie
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
I have come to Bristol to see my Grandma and Grandpa. I came with my mum, Ben, Dillon and Dillon's friend Rory!!! Grandma's computer takes ages to load and it is so annoying!!! I am so surprised how many comments I got yesterday!!! Today I think we are going swimming even though we woke up at 4 o'clock in the morning to get our flight at 6:30. Dillon and Rory have gone upstairs to have a sleep!! I had a little sleep (well it was actually quite a big sleep) on the sofa!! Everyone is tired!!! I can't change the colour on this computer and I don't like it cause I would have changed it to a dark coiour!!!!!
Lol Mollie
Lol Mollie
Monday, August 6, 2007
Fun Monday!!!

My mum told me to do Fun Monday cause I have a really nice apron that I got at my friends party!!!I went to Florence's party and we did cooking I got a blue apron with flowers I would of liked the purple one but there were none left!!!!!I love the apron. I never really use it though!!! I only sometimes bake. Not all the time like my mum!!!!
Lol Moll!e
Lol Moll!e
Sunday, July 29, 2007
I have not posted in a while...
I don't have much time 2 post but I guess I can post now!I have been playing alot of tennis latley. I love tennis!!! I also went camping with the scouts 2 Donegol. We were there 4 9 days and I had alot of fun. We did rock climbing, sailing, canoeing, orienteering and hiking! My favourite was the rocking climbing. I was in doors though. We went to Letterkenny(a town) and we saw Transformers with was a great movie!!! We went shopping and then had Pizza 4 lunch!!! I hope I can post again soon!!!!!
Lol Moll!e
Lol Moll!e
Sunday, May 13, 2007
I don't really feel that well. I am still in my PJs that steffi made me. They are lovely and comfoutbale. I have got a load of clothes from her. I have a headach and a tummyach. I don't really feel like doing anything. I have to lie down and do nothing. It's really boring. I'm doing this now so I'm not that bored. I hate being sick. You can do nothing at all. I have nothing to do when I'm done this post. BOO HOO.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
I got animals
I just got three animals for my blog. I have a hamster called Hammy a panda called Jo Joand a rabbit called bun. You can feed Hammy a strawberry and you can feed Jo Jo bambo you can also feed bun a carrot. I love them all. Have a try at fedding and playing with them. To play with them click on them. I wanted a cow but there were none. My brother is here reading as I write. His name is Ben and he is six. He is very good at reading. He is faster at reading than me and typing. It is very anyoing. 'Go away Ben'. He left. I have been making a braclet for a present. It is blue. I like it but i can't have it. Boo Hoo
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Lots and Lots of things!!!
I have not posted in a while. I have done alot of things since then. I probably can't remember everything so if i miss out bits I'm sorry.
I love gymnastics and I do it on Wednesdays in school. I was told to jump onto the horse(it is a box).I jumped up and landed fine but then I slipped and my toe bent back. I really hurt it so I could not do the rest of gym.I went home and my mum was not there so I rang her to tell her i was really hurt. When she came back she told me to put on arncia the cream so I tried but I just started crying cause it was so sore so we went to the hospital and just as we parked the car mum got a phone call from home. It was my dad saying Dillon(my brother)is walking back from the dart on his own. My mum said that was not good at 9:30 so she tried to ring the person that bought Dillon and they would not answer. We went to the dart station Dillon was getting of at. we waited and then mum to ring again and they answered and they said he and the other people walked him down to the dart station he was getting on at and then we saw Dillon of the dart so we called to him and we went to drop him home and we went back to hospital. It was empty. I got crutches and they said it was not to bad and i should be walking in 1 week. 1 week later I still could not walk so we went back to hospital. They said I have a crushed growth plate. I don't know what that is.
I went to see Mami Mai. It was very good. I went with my mum, granny, auntie sally, auntie Kathryn and my friend Annie. First we went to a place to have dinner. It was called Ely. I had a Burger and chips and for pudding I had ice-cream. We went on to see Mami Mai. We parked and then we walked across a bridge and we were there. It was very windy and I nearly got blown over. At the end there was lots of singing and dancing. My favorite song was Super Trouper.
I am going to start to post more if I have the time.I'm a very busy person. well BYE for now!!!!!!
I love gymnastics and I do it on Wednesdays in school. I was told to jump onto the horse(it is a box).I jumped up and landed fine but then I slipped and my toe bent back. I really hurt it so I could not do the rest of gym.I went home and my mum was not there so I rang her to tell her i was really hurt. When she came back she told me to put on arncia the cream so I tried but I just started crying cause it was so sore so we went to the hospital and just as we parked the car mum got a phone call from home. It was my dad saying Dillon(my brother)is walking back from the dart on his own. My mum said that was not good at 9:30 so she tried to ring the person that bought Dillon and they would not answer. We went to the dart station Dillon was getting of at. we waited and then mum to ring again and they answered and they said he and the other people walked him down to the dart station he was getting on at and then we saw Dillon of the dart so we called to him and we went to drop him home and we went back to hospital. It was empty. I got crutches and they said it was not to bad and i should be walking in 1 week. 1 week later I still could not walk so we went back to hospital. They said I have a crushed growth plate. I don't know what that is.
I went to see Mami Mai. It was very good. I went with my mum, granny, auntie sally, auntie Kathryn and my friend Annie. First we went to a place to have dinner. It was called Ely. I had a Burger and chips and for pudding I had ice-cream. We went on to see Mami Mai. We parked and then we walked across a bridge and we were there. It was very windy and I nearly got blown over. At the end there was lots of singing and dancing. My favorite song was Super Trouper.
I am going to start to post more if I have the time.I'm a very busy person. well BYE for now!!!!!!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
I made a tasty cake with no help (that's a lie. Dad put it in the oven). I had a big piece. I have to save some for tomorrow cause grandma is coming over. I can't wait. I was a town and i got a necklace in the natural history museum. It was a very nice place to visit. I got a duck thing that you pull down and it springs back up. It was very cheap €1 99. It is so cool.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
hi everone!
I have a sore eye now. I have been to gym and we did hand stands, Round off, front roll and beem. Sara has gone home. I had a smelly dinner. It was spaghetti bolounaise. We are getting our Wii on thursday or friday. I am so happy. And that is all i can say.
It is very short.
It is very short.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
I have not posted in a long time. Dillon is annoying me and he made me delete to whole thing. So i have to start again witch is annoying. I was just at my Granny's house for dinner and she made spicy stuff and I could not eat it. But i still ate the rice. I was playing a hokey match. we won 1-2. I had great fun. I played front. I have just been on club penguin. Ben was just put to bed crying cause grandad was blowing at him.Dillon is still really annoying me.Well that is all I have to say so
Sunday, January 14, 2007
I had a great time at the sleepovaer. Annie loved the presents I got her. I had a great time ice-skating. It was Vanssa's 2nd time.We got 2 movies they were Yours,Mine and Ours and The perfact man. They were both good. I am not feeling well. I have a cold and I feel a bit dizzy. Dad, Dillon and Ben have gone out. Me and mum our her cause mum is sick aswell. They have gone to see granny and go for a walk.I have a very sore shoulder from sleeping on it funny. I have been in bed reading. I hope our computer did not get a virus from me.
I have just looked back at my old blog and read all the coments. I do it a bit now.
I have just looked back at my old blog and read all the coments. I do it a bit now.
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
I can't think of a title 2
I have not posted for a long time. I'm back in school. I have a friend over tomorrow so I might not post. In school the light above me keeps flashing and it is very annoying. We have moved places so I'm beside Dermot and Alex W. Sara is on my table aswell. I hate school we have stupid homework. The only thing I like is that I get to see my friends. I am going to a party on Friday and I can't what. It is a sleepover ad we are going ice-skating or to the cinema. I made Annie(the birthday girl) a necklace with a matching bracelet. In Claires we got her a ring to matching ring and a jewelry box. We also got her bath stuff. I think she will really like it.
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
From yesterday.
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
I'm back!
I had a great time in England. I had a great Christmas as well. I got alot of presents of Santa and other people. I got a game for the PS2 it is called Buzz Jungle Party. I have been playing it all day. Mum and Ben thought it was fun as well. Ben got in a bit of a bad mood when he lost. He was shouting and yelling. I played with Sara when she came over. I won. I am getting a wii of my auntie Sam. She gave us a controller for it. She can't get any from the shop. I got a Abercrombie jumper and a tennis back of Grandma. I have been wearing the jumper every day. I have not used the bag yet. When we were in England I had to go to AandE for my thumb cause mum thought I broke it. I have not done any thing to it. Well it is cut badly. It is sore when it toches something. On the plane home there were alot of turbulence. I would like to be a pilot when I grow up. I met my friend Vanessa on the plane. She had been at a wedding. But she was at the front of the plane and we were at the back. I got new clothes for my bear and I got a teddy of Eeyore.
PS I have some pictures to put on later cause it is not working.
PS I have some pictures to put on later cause it is not working.
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