Sunday, December 24, 2006
Saturday, December 23, 2006
I just came back from a sleepover at Sara's. I had a great time. We watched 2 and a half movies. We watched Cars 13 going on 30 and half of Princess Diaries 2. I have not done a post in a long time. I can't remember everything that happened. Yesterday was my last day in school. We went into town and Dun Laoghaire with mum, Dillon, Ben and 2 of Dillon's friends. I got Leona's single. I have not listened to it yet. When we were getting out of the car in Dundrum I closed the door on my thumb. My mum had to get a first aid man. I it still sore and it is all wrapped up. I can't wait till tomorrow cause I am going to England.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Alot of Fun!
I went to Dun Laoghaire with the Girls Birgade and I got 3 little toy cows. We had a cris cindle and I got a box of Marks and Speners milk choclat eclairs from a girl in my class it was Florence. She got mything it was a light blue necklace that I made. It was very nice. I also got a packet of strings to make scbedoos with from Jean cause I went to a church thing and tere were only 4 peoplle there and I got a door hanger from Jean aswell for a Christmas present. Everyone got one. Yesterday I went to Florence's house and we went bowling. The girls were playing boy's. Her brother had a friend over and they played us and girls won. It was great fun. I have started writing a book called Green Hill. It is about 3 girls who have a magic tree in there garden and there parents ar not aloud to find out.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
I did not post cause I was to busy. On Monday I had no tennis and I did Cubs and we had to bing a game in and I brought Junior Pictionary. On tues day I did nothing and today I had school and I did this P.E thing. We had art and we made weird things.m I made 3 with a girl called Florence. She is from Londen. I made 2 at home. I went to play with Sara and I did nothing alse.
If you want to make the weird things read this.
You need...
2 diffrent coulrs of tuisse paper
1staple the 2 coulers together so they look like a L shape.

2 If you had a pink and blue and the blue was on top then you fold the pink over so it is on the oppiste side and then you will fold the blue over.
3 when it has run out staple the ends together
Saturday, December 9, 2006
I can't think of a title!
I have not done a post for a long time and I can't rember all the things I have done. Yesterday I had to play tennis and it was so cold. My hands were num. I got fizzy orange, crisps and a bar. On Thursday my mum was minding Aaron. and thats all I can rember. I went to basketball and I scored 4 times. I went to hokey and I played front with my friend Vanessa.
This is not very long is it?
This is not very long is it?
Sunday, December 3, 2006
I went to the W5 in Belfast yesterday. I had a great time. Ben came as well. He went with the Beavers and I went with the Cubs. It is a bit like @Bristol. It has a lot of rooms with lots of things to play on. Ben bought a little teddy of Patrick from SpongeBob and I got myself 2 Chinese finger traps and a purple bracelet. We went to smyths today and Ben used his voucher. He got a Simpsons PS2 game , some lego, a game and a Bionicle. I had a nice dinner it was cheesy chicken. We got our christmas tree and it has all the decorations on it. It looks so pretty.
I can't change the colour cause something has happened.
I can't change the colour cause something has happened.
Friday, December 1, 2006
Friday is very fun
I had school and we had P.E and we played a really fun game. It is called lines. You have to have a lot of people to play. You get three lines or more of people but you have to have five or more people left and they all go into one big line and two people start one cases the other and if they are about to catch you you can go to a line and say join and then the person that is at the front of the line chases the person that did not join and if you get caught then you go to the back of the long line. And after school I went to tennis and my foot hurt a little bit. I am here and I had a homemade pizza and it was nice. I am here now and Bye.
Monday, November 27, 2006
I had a boring time bag packing. I got 3 breaks and bought some sweets. I was packing someones bag and a trolley went over my foot and I have it in a bandage. It still is sore and I can't walk on it. I could not go to tennis on Monday. It is getting a bit better. I have to walk on my toes cause it is in the middle of my foot. I can't wear my school to school so I have to wear my ugs. I might have to go to hospital on Thursday. I am here now. Bye
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Lots of fun sports.
I went to hokey and basket ball. I was forward in hokey again today. We played a match against the boys and we lost 2-0. It was good fun. In basket ball we just did passing. I am ok at it. I went to tennis and played with mum and we played to games and I won one and she won one. Ben came to tennis as well. It is Ben's birthday tomorrow and for his party he is going to the cinema. He want to see Flushed Away. I am sitting here doing this and I have to go bag packing later to raise money for a camp with the scouts. We are going up to Donegal. I was at a choral speaking competition with the Girls Brigade. We did not come 1st, 2nd, 3rd or forth. I think we did well.
sorry I did not post anything yesterday.
sorry I did not post anything yesterday.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Lots and lots of fun
I went to school and I came home and we had to mind Aaron like we always do and we also had to mind Sara. We went outside and played a game called wall war. You stand on a low wall with one other person and you have to try and push the other person off the wall. Then Sara had to get her keys and go home and get her girls brigade uniform. Then we came back and she left her GB shoes at home. So we had to go back and get them and when we were there she found out that she left her keys in the house so we had to try and get spare ones off her neighbour and he was not home so we just went to GB and are leader did not mind. And guess what? I have no school tomorrow.
Yesterday I went to tennis. It was just a little practice with my mum. I did half volleys. They are getting easier every time. I went home and had inner it was spaghetti bolonaise. I had to go to hokey. and now I am forward. My coach told me to be forward cause I have a very strong hit. I don't mind being forward my friend Vanessa. I went to bed a bit early cause I as very tired.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
School was boring as usual. I came home after school and then I had to go to drama. I am a fairy in the play. I came home and am now I am playing with my friend Sara. It was my mums birthday and I made her a very nice necklace. I also made her a cake with my grandma's help. It was in the shape of a tennis racket. She loved everything she got. We had chinese for dinner. I love egg fried rice and prawn crackers. I t was very nice.
Monday, November 20, 2006
I love tennis
I had school and nothing happend. After school I had tennis and I had to do feel good shots. I love them cause they make you feel good. I also did some serves. Then I came home and did a bit of my homwork and then it was back down to the tennis club for more tennis. I had to do vollys and half vollys. Half vollys are a bit hard. I am at home now doing this. Oh yeah I also had a nice dinner. It was a fish thing. I have cubs tonight. Bye Bye!
Sunday, November 19, 2006
I am so sorry for not doing my blog for a long time. Yesterday I had to go to Bray and Dun Laoirge to get a surprise. I had tennis on Friday. It was good fun. I also went to Bingo night. It is a school thing. I won Bingo. I got a full house. I got to pick what I wanted. I picked a Winnie the Pooh pencil case, pencil, pen,2 rubbers and a sharpener. I am going to bring them to school.
I will post later to tell you about today.
I will post later to tell you about today.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Today I went to school and we did art. We had to do a rain forest picture. I draw a water fall and lots of trees. I have not finished it yet. I came home and sat down to watch T.V. I watch Nick. I did my homework with was maths, English and a bit of a project. The project is about Vikings. I finished it today. I fell a bit sick now. I have to have Dinner in about 10 mins. It is chicken and ham pie. (I love it.)
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Looking forward
Today i had drama and we played stuck in the mud. We did our play. I'm a fairy. My friend Sara is over now. Mum has gone to pick Grandma up from the Airport. I can't wait till they get back. I have been playing tennis with Sara and Ben. Yesterday mum made a very nice dinner. It was a nachos and other stuff.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Today I had school and we did nothing fun. I went to tennis and did a lot of serves and 2 backhands. I got home and was in a bit of a hurry to do my homwork cause I had to go to tennis again. So I went to tennis after homework and did cross court and we had to hit it deep. I had fun. Now I'm here and I have cubs at 8:30.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Leahs party

Today I played a tennis match. I lost 1 and 1 to a girl called Aoife. I want to my friend Leah's party. We went to the cinema and saw Hoodwink. It is about little red ridding hood. It is just the ending about Red. Then we went back to Leah's house and ate. We did plays and Leah's dad videoed us. I came home and I tided my room and now I'm here. Yesterday I made very nice biscuits. They are very nice they have melted sweets in the middle that have gone all hard.
Saturday, November 11, 2006

Hi my name is Mollie and I am ten years old.I had a different blog that won't let me post anymore. I had the idea of making a blog cause my mum has one and so dose my brother Dillon. My Auntie Sam has a very good blog. I will try to post every day. I might not have time on Monday cause I have alot on. If I don't post other days I am probably lazy. I will tell u the day before if I can't post the next day.
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